viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

Online Dictionary

For use an online dictionary I chose this article and find some words that I don’t Know so I put it in the dictionary and I find the meaning of the two words


Cracking is the process of breaking down the security issues or protection methods of a system. When cracking is concerned with software, it is called Software Cracking. Cracking can break copy prevention. The serial numbers, hardware keys, passwords etc. can also be found out by cracking. The people who do these kinds of activities are called Crackers. Apple II and Commodore64 are the first copy protection software. The software crackers are successful in breaking the copy protection and it is considered to be an illegal task.

Crackers need to have a strong knowledge to crack these protections. Cracking is an illegal process but, the distributions of the copies that are cracked are termed to be most illegal by the lawsuits. Now-a-days, all software comes with copy protection, but defeating the protection involves individual’s knowledge to experiment on it and crack it. So, the crackers are skilled people who use their knowledge in illegal aspects. The United States have passed, The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA), to make software cracking and distribution of cracked information as illegal. In May 2001, The European Union passed The European Copyright Detective to make cracking illegal. Cracking is done by modifying the application in binary and preventing the key in program’s execution. With the help of the debugger, the cracker can reach the subroutine which contains the protection code. Now, the binary can be modified in a way it can replace the opcode with its NOP opcode, which skips the subroutine to be executed.

For read more about this article go to.

The words that I don’t know were…


  1. To win victory over; beat.
  2. To prevent the success of; thwart: Internal strife defeats the purpose of teamwork.
  3. Law. To make void; annul.


  1. To win a victory over, as in battle or a competition: beat, best, conquer, master, overcome, prevail against (or over), rout, subdue, subjugate, surmount, triumph over, vanquish, worst. Informal trim, whip. Slang ace, lick. Idioms: carrywinthe day, gethavethe best of, gethavethe better of, go someone one better. See win/lose/recovery.
  2. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose: baffle, balk, check, checkmate, foil, frustrate, stymie, thwart. Informal cross, stump. Idioms: cut the ground from under. See allow/prevent.

Antonyms: attainment, mastery, success, triumph


The act or an instance of flowing, passing, or giving out.
  • Something produced, published, or offered.
  • Offspring; progeny.

  • verb

    To pass or pour out: discharge, empty, flow. See enter/exit.
  • To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently: emit, give, give forth, give off, give out, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent. See free/unfree, move/halt.
  • To come into view: appear, emerge, loom, materialize, show. Idioms: makeput inan appearance, meet the eye. See see/not see.

  • Antonyms: hold, keep, repress, retain, suppress

    I think that the online dictionary is an easy way to find different words and with that you can understand any thing

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