VictorHe thinks that engineering is a complete profession, that it includes a lot of skills, professionals and individual skills like: creativity, knowledge. He choose electronics engineering because he loves technology and he wants to be part of it.
He saiy that to be a good engineer you have to be a very good student, very responsable, becuase if you really want to be an Engineer you will no have time for nothing more than study, then you will se the benefits in the future, you will improve your knolegde, you have to be very outgoing.
When he completes his education he wants to work for an international company where he can show and improve his skills. Also he wants to graduate with good grades and view the benefits of his scholarship. Victor wants to support his parents, help them, and of course have his own family working as an Engineer for an international company.
He recommends engineering because it is a carreer where you learn science, numbers, professional and individual skills, environment works. In his opinion Engineering is a complete career.
She say that Engineering is the art of creativity, knowledge. It is a profession that only ingenuity people can handle, and to be a good engineer you need to be very responsable, outgoing, you have to know how to work as a group, be a leader. Also you have to have a good memory and be extremely good with numbers.
She think that the most difficult part of being an engineer is there are a lot of hard subjects and you need to learn a lot, but sometimes I have to handle teachers with no personality or enough knowledge. She want to graduate with good grades and want to work for an international company.
She recommends engineering because it is a carreer where you learn science, numbers, professional and individual skills, environment works.
Thanks for you to read.
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